

Have a browse of Kat's videos , right here on her website!

Censorship is Bollocks


Sacred Rage

Women- Honour Each Other

Sacred Rage Exhibition

Pocket Cards

Pocket Goddess Guidance

Pocket Iffirmations

Self Love Project

And still I rise

Women unite, stand together and RISE - check out the uplifting video inspired by Maya Angelou

Changing history to her story

Golden Warriors

Instagram Live Dec 14th

Instagram Live Rainbow Goddess

Festival of the girl

5 minute here I am

Herstory launch with Trista Hendren of Girl God Books

Self Love Despite the Patriarchy

Paint yourself as a Goddess Workshop


To all of you women who don't feel good enough...

To all of you women who do not feel good enough.
Not seen. Not heard.
Not slim enough. Not curvy enough. Not pretty enough. Not funny enough. Not wealthy enough. Not sexual enough. Not quiet enough. Not loud enough.
Not enough.
Here is your reminder – you are enough.
Just as you are.
You are glorious.