The future of the barn...
The barn is making herself a force of nature within the world and just getting better and better – welcoming more and more women over her threshold!
There are at least 2 ceremonies every month, plus other workshops and circles – here are a few past, present and future, but the best places to keep up to date with the barn meetings are:
- on the dedicated fb page: Sisterhood At The Barn
- or through my Art fb page: Kat Shaw Artist
We have also just received the donation of a lovely gazebo which I intend to make into a calming and loving temple space to relax in – so watch this space! It would be wonderful to see you at the barn soon.
Watch This Space for Upcoming Events at the barn! ...and join the mailing list for up-to-date information. The barn will have a whole host of amazing offerings to support women through the years! Please join us - sisterhood is vital.