Dark Lady


I am The Dark Lady.
I stand in the Shadows.
I sit with you in Sadness. Desolation. Hopelessness.
I hold you in your grief.
I am the Goddess of The Veil.
The Unknown.
The Dark Forest.
I am your anxiety that you cannot put your finger on.
I am the incompleteness that you cannot explain.
I am the nagging internal voices. The critic. The terror.
I am your fear when you encounter the unknown.
I walk beside the biggest unknown – death.
I will not lure and coax you back to joy.
Instead, I will lay down next to your broken soul.
You are never alone.

Yet I am also your sense of joy. Relief. Release.
The ecstasy of overcoming your obstacles and terrors.
The reflection of your shadow who now decides to befriend you.
I will walk with you in the darkness.
I will be your companion as you journey from fearful to fearless.

I am the Goddess of the forgotten in society.
I seek the lost and the unseen. Those shunned. Unwanted.
Those who do not fit in.
Those who are forced to dwell on the sidelines.
Those with mental health issues, who carry trauma of any kind.
Those who are bereaved. Those who have lost.
Those who carry shame. Those who do not fit in their bodies.
Those who are afraid of how and who they love.
Those who have been beaten. Those who have buried secrets.
Those who strive kindness. But never find it.
The homeless. The sex workers. The drug addicts. The abused.

I am the Goddess of mistreated and caged animals.
Who suffer at the hands of evil. Who have no free will.
Whose souls have been imprisoned behind bars.

See me next to you. Walking your path with compassion.
My rams horns show you your true strength.
Feel my wings as I enfold and embrace you, they fill all of time and space.
Dark as the night.
I can hold the sadness of the world.
For I was born with so much hope.
And I too have been knocked down.
My smaller wings show the devastations of life.
The tears, the breaks, the imperfections.
They are vulnerable. Paper thin. Easily broken.
Yet they remain.
For you.
They bear the weight of the sadness and troubled emotions that I carry.
For you – my people. And my animals.
My forgotten souls.

I am fierce and forgiving, with a love and loyalty so strong.

My silver skin holds the scars.
The lines of scar-tissued flesh that I have taken.
Through love, from you.
To ease your suffering.
To limit your pain.
To wipe your slate clean.
To transform you.
And I rise, silver and radiant.

I am pure compassion and empathy.
I emanate love from my shimmering heart.
I am stealth – still as a shadow.
Always there.
I will seek you in your most desperate and darkest moments.
And I will wait.
Until you are ready to walk into the light.
Because you are worthy of the light.

I love you.

Canvas print glitter embellished to look like the original. Due to the dimensions of the original and the different canvas sizes/dimensions, some parts of the original image may be cropped.


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