The Wheel of the Lady

The Mother represents the South West of the wheel at Lammas, offering you plentiful abundance in every part of your life as well as Her maternal and unconditional love.

The Lover represents the South East of the wheel at Beltane, reminding you to fiercely love yourself and others as well as feeling Her love.

Lady of Fire represents the East of the wheel at the Spring Equinox and the fire aspects of manifestation and bringing your dreams into reality.
Channelled from the very heart of Avalon, The wheel of The Lady follows the seasonal turns of the year, celebrating and feeling Her teaching, knowledge, love, advice and holding in every aspect of Her multifaceted glorious radiance.

The Crone represents the North West of the wheel at the Samhain, the ancient Goddess who will take you deeply into Her cauldron and hold you in the darkness.

Lady of Water represents the South of the wheel at Litha and summer solstice, cleansing you with her waters and balancing your emotions.

Lady of Air represents the North of the wheel at the winter solstice, reminding you to be still, hibernate and rest whilst you take a breath and revitalise, allowing her winds to cleanse and blow away the cobwebs that hold you back.

The Maiden represents the North East of the wheel at Imbolc and the maiden aspects of life… the remembrance of dancing, laughing, playing and fun.

The Lady represents the Centre of the wheel and the web weaving of the universe and the magic of Avalon.

Lady of Earth represents the West of the wheel at the Autumn Equinox of Mabon, reminding you to let go of everything you no longer need and grounding yourself deeply into Her earth.