See how women feel when they see Kat Shaw's Art
"Your art has changed me."
"Your artwork is an outstanding homage to women. We need more of this kind of art that matches the world we need to see, and the way we need to see ourselves as women in the world. Deep bow to you Kat - incredible woman."
"Kat, you have helped me to heal."
"Thank you so much for creating your art. Our internalized misogyny is preventing many women from loving themselves."
"The media is damaging peoples eyes, making them think they're not normal for not looking like that. Right here - you, me, your art - this is what the world needs."
"Your art makes me proud to be a woman with all my lumps and bumps."
"You have helped me to feel good about myself. Deep gratitude for this."
"I felt there was something wrong with me for most of my life because I didn't look like all the women in the magazines. I was ashamed of my body. It is only at the age of 57 that I am beginning to love my body and that is because you have shown that real women are beautiful."
"Kat has a unique talent to show the beauty in all women regardless of their shape - restoring the confidence that has been dwindling since the rise in social media - thank you."
"After nearly 30 years struggling with anorexia and bulimia, I'm feeling my recovery on a whole new level now. I'm feeling love for and comfort with myself and my body on a whole new level. I'm feeling my trauma healing and respect for my story and my scars on a whole new level since you painted me. Thank you doesn't seem adequate, but thank you."

"For the first time in my life today I woke up and saw my naked fat, droopy body in the mirror and... because of your art... I saw my own beauty! THANK YOU"
"Your work heals people - that is a gift that this world sorely and desperately needs."
"Your art has made me love my body and this is something that I hope that I can pass down to my daughters and granddaughters."
"I must admit, I look like some of your paintings - and I have realised that if I think that they are beautiful - then I also must be!"
"Your work is healing - keep that shit up!"
"The first time I ever saw your art I cried. Because I felt seen and represented for the first time ever."
"Your work is lovely and makes me feel normal."
"You have been so delightfully helpful in my healing journey."
"You have given me my femininity and confidence back. So much love to you."
"Your art has changed my life. I used to hate myself and blame myself for everything, and allow others to do the same - this is history now - you have painted me as a goddess!"
"Your work is vitally important to people everywhere - especially if we're going to flip the narrative of our broken systems."

"I am so obsessed with empowering other women and lifting them up. The patriarchal society sees women as easier to "manage" if we are feeling insecure and lesser... so sisterhood has sadly been lost as the years have ticked by - but now is the time for that to change. Together we are strong! I am sick of living in a world where I do not fit into the box of "perfection", or how a woman should look or behave - so I am here to change the perceptions - and I'm taking you all with me! We are women, we are sisters - let's begin to life each other up and support each other." Kat Shaw

"I used to try and hide my body, especially after my mastectomy, but I love my body again and it was when you painted that beautiful portrait of me that I got my confidence back again and you taught me that I am who I am and I am beautiful."
"Your art has helped me to love, accept and see my own body."
"I love seeing your work pop up on my newsfeed. So many posts send blechy messages about women and then WHAM - a Kat post full of beauty and love and goddess gorgeousness that knocks back the yuck and gives me divine space to breath again."
"I am a huge fan of Kat Shaw. Through her art she reminds us that we are strong and can use our voices passions and talents to make a difference - we don't have to fit into the patriarchy."
"Kat's art is so powerful and so real. The sacredness of all female bodies is emphasized and represented in all of her art. Through her work we can all recognize and empower ourselves as the true divine beings that we are."
"Your art makes me look at my own body with fascination and tenderness."
"As somebody who has had body dysmorphia for most of my life, it is a true miracle that I look at your artwork and actually love my body - this is a true near miracle! Thank you for sharing your talent."

"You are a light in a very dark time. Your work inspires women to acknowledge their own sacred divinity and aspire to believe in themselves more."
"Since the age of 10 I have been disgusted with my body and damaged myself emotionally and physically with eating disorders and extreme dieting. Now I am aged 46, thanks to your force of nature, I'm looking with a little more kindness at myself and others - just looking at your art has forced me to really look at myself in a way I never have before."
"I recently found your beautiful work and took it as an opportunity to have a conversation with my children about body positivity and how women can really look, rather than the perfect images they see all over social media. You're totally inspiring to me."
"Yes - your art is life changing."
"I just want to let you know what your art means to me - as a 55 year old post menopausal woman - 3 kids and a hysterectomy later with years of trauma and stress - seeing your bodies that you paint is magical. Representation matters. And to imagine that my tired, plump, saggy, stretch marked body could be beautiful is so empowering."
"You inspire me."
"Your art is so healing to a body-damaged woman.